Wednesday, May 30, 2012

 Gary updates the report

  Plumbers got the rough-in completed today, and most of the back fill around the foundation was finished.  In addition, the final footing for the trusses was done today.  The inspection of the plumbing will happen in the morning and then we can start putting the Styrofoam in.  If you are able to help with this, give Gene Luedke a call in the morning (507-451-5731) to get the start time.  When that is completed, Tonna will be putting the in-floor tubing on the Styrofoam and after that Bob Brooks will place the rebar.  If things go well, the concrete slab could be poured on Friday. 

The project managers have the campground started with 3 campers lined up.  We met late this afternoon to go over details of the building process which will start next Tuesday, if the concrete is completed.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

 Project managers on their way to Kasson

  The foundation was backfilled today and sand leveled and compacted inside the foundation.  The plumbers will be on-site tomorrow to do the rough-ins, and also the concrete workers need to place several additional footings, then the sand will be releveled and ready for us to put the Styrofoam in – likely Thursday.  (Very slight possibility it could be late tomorrow – if so, I will call you for assistance).  Otherwise look for another email tomorrow night for expected time to help.  Once we have the Styrofoam in place, the in-floor tubing will be done by Tonna and then we are ready for the concrete slab to be poured (Friday?)

I am still waiting for the structural engineer to get additional information for placement of the additional footings to support the trusses and room dividers.  Hopefully it comes early tomorrow morning so progress isn’t delayed.

Martin Leyrer and John Bubolz, our project managers will be showing up tomorrow around noon along with Ron Wolf.  They will work on getting the campground set-up and meeting with various vendors for the project.  Additional BFC workers will be coming to start work next Tuesday, June 5th!!  If the weather cooperates the rest of this week, we will be ready for them.

Friday, May 25, 2012

We have a Builders For Christ sighting!

Sometime on Friday, the trailer showed up. You can also see that the foundation walls have reached their full height. Thank you workers for getting this done before the holiday weekend.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

And the floodgates of the heavens were opened

  On the afternoon of the 24th, the heavy rains that had been falling on western Minnesota reached Kasson. Gene and Ken try to divert water from running into the footings pit, getting very drenched. I would have included video but it would be too cruel.

Jericho had walls go down, but Our Savior's walls go up

  As you can see in the pictures, construction workers began the block walls despite the rain showers today. The electricians were installing a new electrical panel after Dave P. removed some of the ceiling panels. All of the materials are out of the library and office and rumor has it that Ken will be assisting the removal and storage of the custom built cabinets.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The first concrete has been poured

  A lot of dirt has been moved and now the footings have been poured. Inside the church Pastor Gunn has moved most of his office into the fellowship hall and several volunteers are moving the library. These two rooms will be loosing their walls in the near future and will need to wait until Fall to be restored.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My, how things change in one day!

What started off as just a few workers scouting the gas and electrical lines ended up with some big piles of dirt. The gas meter was moved over to an area near the church entrance (close to what will be the pastor's office) and the beginning of the hole for the foundation was dug. On the eastern side, the excavation team found that the sewer line needed to be changed, so new tile was placed out to the cleanout pipe.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Electricity is off to move the service

Workers are at both ends of the building to move our electrical service and gas, getting ready for the new pad.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Groundbreaking for the new addition April 15, 2012 The families of our Savior took turns turning a shovel of dirt in the area that will become the new education wing of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Kasson. Pastor Dean Gunn leads us.