Saturday, June 30, 2012

Another hot day, ready for weekend

  It was hot again today! By 7:30AM one RV (Roger & Barb) was rolling out of the yard. John headed out about 1:00 with the walkway for the lift on a trailer, heading back to Wisconsin. The east side windows are put into place and the windows we removed from the old office and library have found their new home in pastor's new office. A couple of doors have been hung. Lefsa made by Paul Tjosaas was a hit at lunch.
  There will be a hog roast and pot luck on July 13 so we encourage people to sign up if attending.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Saying farewell to some friends

We are saying farewell to some of our friends this week. Richard and Rosey Markham are going to really start retirement this next week. Roger and Barb Smith are returning to Little Chute and then travel to Michigan. Allan (mightier than two men) Stelljes is also returning home. By request of Barb Smith I am placing this special photo of Martin on the blog. You will also see that the patch of concrete has been poured where the church and the addition meet in a hallway. The roof is finished.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Attacking the issues on all fronts

  Oh, was it hot today! (mid to high 90's). Some interior walls were going up in the neighborhood of the new restroom. Rosey & Richard were very active in that. The gas line was moved so that the wall of Pastor's office can come down and the last of the cement pad can be poured.  We also had activity on the north end of the building with siding. Everyone was hungry and the lasagna was tasty. Carol had to fix up an injury to Gene, one of the bib twins.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Faster than a speeding bullet. Able to shingle tall buildings..

Wow! Blink your eyes and another shingle was nailed down. Martin had told me on Friday that shingling would start on Saturday noon and might continue on Sunday afternoon. Imagine my surprise when I returned to Kasson at 4:40 and the roof was almost done. John's friends from Kiel, WI certainly knew how to shingle! And I see that the 2 of them had some help from a few nail-slingers from Kasson and Big Lake.  Don't look for any information on the white altar tomorrow. The white altar found a new location.

Friday, June 22, 2012

So much done, time for a little fellowship

On Friday the roof crew made all the angles look like a stealth fighter, Ron and Richard nearly completed the firewall truss, and Rosey, Betty, and Gene did a wonderful job of wrecking (excuse me - demolishing) the pastor's office. Judy seemed to be everywhere, sometimes being on the receiving end of comments about being "correct-sized". The day ended with a fish fry, with plenty of quality checking being conducted by the chef's and Freckles.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ruth, Rush, Rosh, Rose. Rose! That's it!! ROSE!!

Martin gave me a rough time today since his kids found out he must have another woman at Kasson. On June 1, I accidentally listed Rose as "Ruth". Sorry, Rose! The guys worked longer today to try to get more support on the last section of the roof. Hopefully, we can wrap the roof up on Friday and Saturday since the shingle experts are here next week.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Relaxing After a Crazy Roof Day

 It is good that the builders get a chance to relax after building a difficult roof. The area above Pastor's office joins the old and the new roof, the heights and fascia don't match but the important thing is that it shouldn't leak or collapse. Thank you, BFC design-as-you-build team.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Wet Saturday

There were fewer than average members working today. The morning started off with a rain shower so the roof work was delayed for a few hours. BFC workers are helping us increase the height of the roof over the fellowship hall. Roger & Orville cut some pieces for the walls below the trusses with the appropriate notches. John does some more work near pastor's new office while the BFC spouses get some lunch ready.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Plans for June 19-23

Come and join us!

Meet John

Some times you don't see things under your own nose. On my last video after Tom's introduction you got to see the top of John's head. Here's a more complete video of John. During church council last night the wind gusted and moved some of our future roof decking onto the lawn with a big BANG! As you can see by the next morning the BFC workers were back on the roof.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Meet some of the workers

  I don't know where John Bubolz was today but I stopped at the church at the 3:00 break to get a video of the BFC workers. The first two are Martin Leyrer (one of the project managers) and Ken Kerr. They talked faster than the video started. The trusses are up!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We came close

  "We came close" has a couple of meanings today. Thanks to the help of some new workers today, we came close to finishing the trusses. The Markhams from Big Lake (along with Ross), Trevor Carr and his sister (some spelling variation of Britney) were new comers. Most of the trusses on the north end went up and Ken was getting help creating the end gable from T & B Carr. Lots of time was spent getting some truss hangers for special double header. About 24 nails hold up each end. You've heard the phrase "measure twice, cut once"? It also pertains to 24 nails.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Need help finishing trusses on Tuesday

  We have many of the trusses up but on Tuesday it would be great to get some help finishing the north end. I hope that you can help. There are jobs done on the ground that help get this done faster.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Trusses going up with many helpers

We have had a good Saturday morning with about a dozen of the 40+ trusses in place by lunch. Lots of work for all skill levels. Come over and join us.

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's a long fall, Dave

I think everyone was happy to have a couple of younger members there today. Dave & Clark spent time off of the ground today. It was also the first fish fry of the season.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thank you to the meal providers!

  It sounds as if the BFC workers are getting fed. Thank you if you have been part of the group that has been helping with this!
  If you are going to make a meal, it is suggested to see what the workers have been eating in the previous couple of days. Rumors have it that the workers have been getting a good sample of each family's favorite barbeque recipe. We will try to give you an idea of what has been served. Readers of this blog can also make comments as to what they will be bringing.

Trusses going up on Saturday! Calling all workers!

  Martin just called to let me know that walls have been going up well. He originally thought we would put up the trusses next Wednesday but they are at the worksite NOW.  The plan is to put them up on Saturday morning. If you are in one of the nearby churches, please join us that morning if you are willing to help. We begin with a devotion at 7:45 and start work at 8:00.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More walls go up

  I did not include any pictures today but let me tell you that the north wall was up before lunch and the west wall (other than the pastor's study) was likely up by quitting time. The electrical inspector came by today and will return on Friday. We have a couple of minor things to fix, like putting up a temporary structure around the breaker box but otherwise we seem to be in compliance.  Look for the next post on Friday evening. If people can come on next Tuesday, you can help place the trusses.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lots of work completed on first full day with BFC

  On the first day of having 6 BFC workers helping our members, the team raised the east wall of the addition. Those walls are HEAVY! In the photos below you will see David in a scene that reminds me of American Gothic if the farmer changed professions to a builder.

Monday, June 4, 2012

More campers & BFC workers

  More Builders for Christ are showing up. Everyone is looking forward to getting electricity to the campers tomorrow.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The sawdust if flying

  Rich & Bruce help on the first cuts of the new addition. Martin, John, Ron, and Rose arrived this week. John & Rich made a few sawhorses to be used on the project.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The camper city begins!

  The pad was about done by noon but there are a few finishing touches to be made. Rose (Martin's wife) was making lunch for the 3 guys when I reached the church. Let's welcome them this weekend.

 Are we ready for concrete?

  I stopped in at the church on the morning of June 1 and found that the insulation and the in-floor heating tubes were in place. As I left the concrete pumper truck was pulling into the parking lot. Might there be a new pad in place when I get home from work today?